Today, Sat., April 20th, 2019, I completed SoloLearn's HTML Fundamentals tutorial.
Although I had studied coding when I did my BA in computer science at Hunter College (CUNY), NYC, NY. I graduated in 1994.
So, I thought it was important to keep my coding skills current for 2019.
On Feb. 26th, 2019, I completed SoloLearn's JavaScript tutorial.
On March 7th, 2019, I completed SoloLearn's Python 3 tutorial.
On April 6th, 2019, I completed SoloLearn's Java tutorial.
Then today, April 20th, completed SoloLearn's HTML Fundamentals tutorial.
Still have to finish SoloLearn's CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) tutorial. Still have about 75% more to do.
I highly recommend SoloLearn for newbies and coders. It's free and available both as an app and online. Plus, it uses gamification (points, badges, & levels) to make learning to code fun.