The following is the game sheet I give each player:
Guess The Password
sunshine 123456 password 123456789
12345678 12345 111111 1234567
qwerty iloveyou princess admin
welcome 666666 abc123 football
Security question: What is a FUNCTION?
Answer: A block of code that does one job.
Security question: What is a VARIABLE?
Answer: A box with a name that holds a value.
Security question: What is a STRING?
Answer: Words between double quotes.
Security question: What is an ALGORITHM?
Answer: It is like a recipe.
Security question: What is a VALUE?
Answer: A word or a number you put in a variable.
Security question: What is SYNTAX?
Answer: The rules of a language.
Security question: What is a LOOP?
Answer: When the computer does the same actions over and over.
Security question: When you DEBUG code?
Answer: You DEBUG code when you fix an error in the code.